Biology and Geology.Teoría, actividades y prácticas de laboratorio. 1º ESO Programa SELE • María del Mar Vera Sánchez
Contents and activities
UNIT 2. The Earth in the universe


- COMPONENTS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM (AGE: 4500 million years)

video YouTube: Paxi ESA Kids “Solar system”


  • The Sun

It is a yellowish medium-sized star.

video YouTube: National Geographic “Sun 101”

Nuclear reactions take place in its interior and they produce huge amounts of energy: the temperature of the surface is about 6000 ºC and emits light and heat.

8 PLANETS (number of satellites in brackets)

  • Rocky planets: Mercury (0), Venus (0), the Earth (1: the Moon) and Mars (2).
    They are located between the Sun and the asteroid belt.
    Their surface is solid and they have 3 layers:
    • Crust: the outermost layer; made of rocks.
    • Mantle: the layer under the crust; made of rocks.
    • Core: metallic.

video YouTube: National Geographic “Mercury 101”

video YouTube: National Geographic “Venus 101”

video YouTube: National Geographic “Earth 101”

video YouTube: National Geographic “Mars 101”

  • Giant planets: Jupiter (63), Saturn (61), Uranus (27) and Neptune (14)
    They are located beyond the asteroid belt.
    Their surface and composition are gases, mainly H and He.
    They have solid cores.

video YouTube: National Geographic “Jupiter 101”

video YouTube: National Geographic “Saturn 101”

video YouTube: National Geographic “Uranus 101”

video YouTube: National Geographic “Neptune 101”


  • Satellites
    They can be very large or very small and their shape can be spherical or irregular.
  • Dwarf planets
    Their orbit around the Sun is not clear (Pluto, Ceres...).
  • Asteroids
    They are rocky and irregular shaped bodies of different sizes. There is an asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. There is a Kuiper belt beyond the orbit of Neptune.
  • Comets
    They are small and irregular bodies which travel around the sun in highly elliptical orbits and have a nucleus of ice, dust and gas.
    They are formed in a very far region of the Solar System (the Oort cloud) and when they travel close to the Sun, the ice starts to evaporate creating a long and bright tail.
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