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Travelling with Leonardo and Erasmus : English course

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Autor Mercedes Moreno Sánchez, María Dolores Jiménez López, Isabel Cánovas Pérez, Emilio Pastor Pérez, Ignacio Quesada Rodríguez

Resumen: (Teachers in Rambla de Nogalte Secondary School) Academic Year 2010-2011 Our Secondary school coordinates a Leonardo da Vinci Partnership with six more countries. During two academic years (2010-2011/2011-2012) seven institulions related with Vocational Education and Training (VET) are going to work together in the Project: IT Culture in Vocational Education and Training (icvet). To create this course was one of our tasks.

Promueve: Dirección General de Recursos Humanos y Calidad Educativa, CPR Lorca

Edita: Secretaría General, Servicio de Publicaciones y Estadística

Año 2012
ISBN 978-84-695-3644-5
Depósito Legal Mu 521-2012
Impresor Compobell, SL
Tipo Documento Multimedia