Lessons of World History. 4º ESO Bilingüe . Isabel Porto Vázquez · Francisco Jorge Rodríguez Gonzálvez.

UNIT 1. Revolutions

I. 18th century in Europe. The old and the new regime

II. The American Revolution

III. The French Revolution

IV. Napoleon and the Napoleonic Empire

V. Restoration

VI. Liberalism and Nationalism

VII. The Industrial Revolution

UNIT 2. Imperialism, World War I and the Interwar Period

I. Imperialism Regim

II. The First World War and the peace settlement

III. The interwar period

UNIT 3. The Second World War and its Aftermath

I. The Second World War

II. The Post-War order

UNIT 4. Contemporary World

I. The USA

II. Western Europe

III. Japan and the Asian tigers

IV. The USSR and its satellites

V. China

VI. Globalization and information society

VII. Contemporary conflicts

Región de Murcia